Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Even Better Than Yesterday!!

I just got back from orientation at my NEW JOB!! :D So extremely happy right now. I'll be going in for a drug test and getting paperwork tomorrow and then I'll probably be starting on Monday! I'm really excited for it and hope it's everything I think it will be. I didn't know this earlier today but I'll be getting paid every week as well! It's been quite some time since I had a job that paid weekly so that's exciting. I won't need to worry about having late bills and such anymore at any time. No, I have never had that problem before but it can happen and I worry about it quite often it seems.

On another note, my dad got another dog last night haha. She's a Brittany Spaniel like his other dog is and she's incredibly friendly. I love animals and this one is no different. :) I really hope that she works out and I think she will. She's 7 years old so she's not a pup anymore but she's still quite playful and fun. I'd love to have my own animal but there's no way right now that I'd have the time that I would need to invest in one like I should. Perhaps a long way down the line if I ever settle down after this trip I'm planning. Who knows? We shall see. I have often thought about how much fun it would be to just backpack across the U.S. instead of taking a bicycle and taking a dog with me. I don't think I could do that though. What if I couldn't find enough food for it? That is my major concern and I don't want to subject an animal to that. I wouldn't mind myself being in that kind of situation but to make something/someone else suffer through that? I don't think so.

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