Friday, July 26, 2013

Today Was Beautiful!

My goodness today was almost perfect outside. I had a job interview at 1 that I think went really well but I won't find out for a few days probably. After that, I went on a long bike ride around to the pedestrian bridge over here in Omaha then relaxed by the river. I used to have a spot over there that pretty much never saw anyone. My friend and I used to go over there all the time and just sit and talk and toss a few rocks here and there in the river. Sometimes seeing how big of a splash we could make with the big ones haha. Fun times can be had when you responsibly act like a kid. XD Goodness, I want to leave on this trip tomorrow and just get out of dodge and see the world. I can't yet though :( as I don't have a bike that will make it even a bit into Missouri I don't think. That's the terrible thing about a sedentary lifestyle. You tie yourself to objects and don't let go. That, right now, is my problem. Also, while I'm here, I might as well enjoy it I guess.

I was looking on REI again today and apparently you can have a monthly payment plan set up through paypal for orders over 250 dollars!!! If that's the case, and I can get that done, when I get a job I can get my bike in a few months!! That got me extremely excited :) and I'm really hoping I can do that. Even if I can't, It shouldn't take more than 3 or 4 months to get one anyway. What else would I spend it on you ask? Well if I don't have any real lawful obligations, I'd probably end up spending it on food that I don't need when I could just have leftovers or bring something to work for lunch. That, or I'd find some other random junk to spend it on that's usually temporary. I don't want that kind of life. I want everything I buy to be meaningful and I'm going to save every penny I have to go towards this dream. Life is waiting, I just need to get really ready for it. I hope that by next Tuesday, I'll have a job. When that happens, I'll be all set. Yeah, I know "But, Ken you already had a job and you blew it!" Well, this time will be different. I had reasons for that and my feet are back on level ground.

My dad and stepmother are going camping tonight and getting back Sunday I guess. I've already been involuntarily given a few images from my stepmother about what they will be expecting to happen... "shudders" I, on the other hand, will be here, alone and probably bored out of my mind again. I don't know why but that always seems to happen. I try making plans and they fall through for the weekends. Man it sucks but that's how it is haha. :) I'm not fretting though, because everything I'm doing is working towards one goal though my life is still going on. I'm not going to just completely forget about my current life. I love it, and wouldn't trade my best friends or family for the world! I love them all and wish I could share that experience I'm planning with all of them. That is why I made this blog. Though I don't know if I'll be able to update it on the road, I'll definitely be writing things down at least in a journal every day and when I get back, I'll share it with everyone.

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