Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Today I Started the Search

Today I seriously started searching for cheaper ways to get the items I'll need for the trip. I looked at quite a few Salvation Army-like stores and found quite a few things that I could use on the trip very cheap. I don't, however have any money for it right now so I'll have to wait a bit longer. I thought about getting sponsorship but I don't wish to have any demands on my time. I don't want to have to be in a certain area at a designated date. I want to go at my own pace and not need to rush. This is one reason why I've also debated on whether or not I should take someone else with me on the trip even if I could find someone willing.

 I plan on going on a 2 day trip spanning probably 120 miles or so this weekend perhaps. I could also try for a single day of 120 miles but that would be quite intense I think and I don't believe I can do that quite yet. I haven't had much time to actually ride lately so I am slightly out of shape but I hope to change that very soon. Perhaps this weekend will be the start again. Work is still in the way right now so I won't be free until Saturday and I think that I'll be pretty tired at the end of the workdays. I think, though if I end up going on at least 1 25 mile or so ride a week (hopefully more but we'll see) for now, I'll get in better shape. My job will also be helping to get into shape though I don't think it will be as much. If anyone wants to go with me, they are welcome to come with. I don't ride very fast with someone else next to me but I don't go very slow either. I've got a backpack that I currently use for my bike tubes, pump, extra water, bike tools and patch kit and the like.

What is one place all of you want to go really bad? One of mine is definitely New Zealand. I've wanted to go there since I saw The Lord of the Rings, which was filmed there. Some of the scenes from that movie had the most incredible-looking real scenery I've seen in my life. I know that some of it was computer animated but there was much of it that was not. I'd love to go there. It's definitely on my list of most interesting places.

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