Monday, July 22, 2013

Hopeful for Wednesday!

I got a call today about a job interview on Wednesday morning! I'm extremely excited and hope that with this job, I can get back on the fast track to paid bills and savings for my trip! Who knows? Perhaps this will be a better job than I thought and I can start saving much more than I was before! My problem ends up being that I over-think things. Way over-think things actually. To the point that what I was originally begging to do becomes something that I would dread with every fiber of my being. Why is that? I don't know, I think it must have to do with most of the advice I seek everywhere. Everyone has their own opinions on what to do or not to do. I need to find my own way of doing things and I think I finally have. No, that doesn't mean I'm cured of over-thinking things or that I ever will be. It means, however, that I am going to try my hardest to cut back as much as I can on the over-thinking going on in this head of mine.

So, I also have some questions for those of you reading these posts so far. I have been looking at and they have what seem to be the best maps for the United States. Their maps are also fairly expensive individually as well as in packages. It's not easy trying to decide what maps to buy and what ones to leave off until later. I have a certain few that I plan on purchasing for my starting trip to Florida, yet I don't know about after that. I don't want to carry huge amounts of maps with me for the entire trip as that would get tiresome. I think I may be able to just send them home as I use them and save them for later trips if I want to take them. Of course, I could also sell them and pay for my next batch of maps as I go that way... Any opinions on something to do would be great! Also, any information someone has about getting maps similar to AC's would be most welcome.

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