Monday, July 29, 2013

Sorry About That

Sorry about the last couple of days guys, I was feeling really under the weather a couple of days ago and yesterday I was out all day so no time to come write anything. I went to another interview today that (again) I think went rather well. I also went to the thrift store afterwards to see what kinds of books they had there. Guess what? They had so many Anne Mccaffrey books!!! Remember when I was telling you her Pern books were my favorite ever?! I found at least 14 of her books there! I only bought 9 of them though because the rest I don't mind but they weren't my favorite books in the world. I'm so excited haha these don't seem to be in many thrift stores around here. :) I was thinking yesterday that perhaps I'll start writing a novel myself on the side to see how it goes. I'm not making any commitments but we'll see.

I called places that I've put in applications today also and many of them haven't had time to look at the applications yet. Oh well, perhaps one of these places I've had interviews with will have a spot for me soon. :) I can only hope for now haha.

I'm a bit sad today, is having a sale but I haven't the funds to get anything right now. :( You can be sure that when I do have the money to get started buying the assorted items I'll need on this trip, though that I'll be ready. I can't wait! This trip is burned into my mind and every time I think about it my heart beats faster and my breath comes quicker. Maybe that's a bit odd for some of you but goodness this thing will be so exciting and amazing when I do it. How many people can say that they have been on a bicycle trip around the United States? A lot probably. What percentage of people in the world can say that? A very very very small percentage I'm pretty sure. I don't care though haha because I'm going to do it!! I'm going to see everything! I'm thinking about looking into some jobs when I get to Florida for a few months with a cruise line. I think that would be an excellent way to do something on the side with the traveling aspect. I love life and what it's giving me right now. :)

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