Thursday, July 18, 2013

Started Thinking About Immunizations Today

My goodness, I completely forgot about immunizations until now... I don't know how I forgot about that but it seems to add yet another facet to an ever growing price haha. I think I'm definitely going to hold off on world travel for a bit until I'm almost completely there. I mean, my gosh! How do they expect anyone under a certain pay grade to pay for this kind of thing? Oh yeah they don't lol... Never mind that for now. When I get set, I plan to travel to at least every state in the United States. That, if I do it right, may take a year or so. Who knows? Maybe it will take longer! (fingers crossed). Getting to Hawaii and Alaska will be quite difficult as I've said before but they're definitely doable.

I have also been thinking recently about looking into getting a job on a cruise ship sometime in the future maybe just temporarily to see how it is. Don't ask me where these things come from but I have ideas bouncing around in my skull 24/7 that never seem to give me a rest. I really want to see how working on a cruise ship would be specifically because I love traveling as you all know. Also, it would seem like an excellent place to learn about cultures that I will be visiting later on when I go on my trip. Heck, who am I kidding? Its a place to make some awesome friends and have a few drinks too! I've always wanted to go out to sea and experience that too.

 Life for me is all about the experiences. If you don't have enough of them, how can you actually call it living? Yes, having a wife/husband, children, a home, pets, a career you love all of these things are what many people consider awesome experiences that they wouldn't trade for the world. I won't begrudge you guys your happiness with those things. My happiness comes from nature though as well as people. It comes from going down that one path that you go past every day and ignore because you don't think there is anything down that road for you. What if you had went down that road and something incredible happened? Heck, what if down that road you met someone that started a new road for all of those things I was talking about above with a spouse and kids and the whole kit and caboodle? Wouldn't you be the happiest person that you've ever been in your life then? What if you had rode past that road for the rest of your life and that other person did the same and your life never gets that added spark of life that you've always yearned for? I don't want to be that person who passes it up because I'm scared that, maybe there will be something down there that will hurt. Chances are, there will be. The thought of never even trying though? That hurts worse than anything else I can think of... Come on guys and gals, go down that one path that sits there every day on your day off. Then, after that, you can say you at least looked around the corner. You can say that right now, your life is a bit bigger now because you tried something new or you went somewhere new and either you loved it or you hated it. At least you can say you tried it. Just don't be afraid to go down there just because you don't know what's waiting.

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