Saturday, July 20, 2013

Just Another Day Saving

Sorry, I couldn't put another post up yesterday. I went to visit my mother's place for the day and last night so I didn't have any free time to make another post. It was nice visiting family again because I don't see them often anymore. That comes with living in different towns I guess. I had fun with my mom, little brother, step-father, friend and niece haha. But, I came back home today and have been pretty much lounging around all day. Nothing to do except go on a bike ride earlier. Only about 5 miles so nothing special but it was nice to get out and stretch my legs after being inside all day yesterday. My goodness there were so many people out riding today. I don't know if it's because of Ragbrai or if they just had the same idea as I did and wanted to ride. I don't think I've seen so many cannondales in one day before either it was quite a sight.

I really wish I could save money faster than I am but things keep coming up. Recently had my wallet and a great many other things stolen from me, including 400 dollars from my bank account. My car had a hole in the transmission which cost me around 400 as well so I'm down to about 130 in my savings account. It could definitely be worse but I can't say I'm on top of the world about it. XD So I'm back to square 3 again. I've gotten things started to be planned out, I've gotten a bike picked out and things all mostly aligned to where I want them. Next thing to do is continue working and trying to save money for the bicycle and then on to the things I'll need for the trip. Right now, this is my focus point in my life. The trip seems to consume almost every thought I have nowadays.

I tried yesterday to go donate plasma at the local plasma center but I found out that I cannot donate plasma because I got permanent makeup a few months ago. I know, permanent makeup on a guy? Anyone out there know how odd it looks to not have eyebrows? I don't have any. I got some lol. I guess you could say I was going through a fitting in phase again like so many times before haha. I knew that it shouldn't matter but I wanted a change so I made one. I love being different but I love people most of the time too. :) I hope to meet a lot of people on this trip and probably will. :) I really can't wait!

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