Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Second Interview Went Awesome!

Well, I think that the interview this morning went amazing! Here's to hoping I have a job by tonight! :) It seems like something I'm extremely interested in and a wonderful opportunity. I think this time next week I'll be training for my new job and back on track for the trip. It seems like there may be some people at this place from what the manager was saying, that like riding bicycles as well. I may well end up going on long distance rides with them as well. That would be rather nice to meet some people with a love of riding.

 I am now off on a bike ride again and it may end up being an extremely long one but We'll see. The last one I went on was a couple days ago and I had a humongous headache. Right now, I feel as if I could take on the world and wanted to share that with all of you! I think I'll listen to an audiobook on the way and just relax for this one. It's been a while since I've been on one that I wasn't trying to see how much I've improved speed-wise and I think it's high time it happened again.

What do you guys like to listen to while riding? If anything at all? Leave some comments. :)

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