Thursday, August 1, 2013

Today Is a Planning Day.

I went this morning for the drug test with a background test too. Apparently it wasn't just the drug test and background test. It was a series of different physical exams. Could I lift 100 pounds, how good is my hearing. How good is my sight, How is my breathing blah blah blah. All in all the whole thing took around an hour. An hour of boring tests to see if my body is up to scratch. Apparently it is but it was annoying to say the least getting to those results haha. Oh well, it's over and done with now so no worries. In a couple of days I should hear back from the company about my start date then I can begin to make money again lol. I have figured up that in my first year I might end up making perhaps 20 to 22 thousand and maybe more. I have reduced my bills to where I am only possibly going to be paying 300 per month. To those who aren't excellent at math, The leftover every month at startup of the year, i.e. this month; I should be saving an approximate of 1000 dollars every single month. To many people that may not sound like much but to me, having always spent every dime I had by the end of the month, that is incredible. I'm not kidding, that is quite crazy sounding. I originally believed if I tried super hard and never bought anything, I'd be able to save maybe if I was lucky, that much in 3 or 4 months. We'll see but from the looks of things, if this job works out, I could save up much much more than I had originally planned for this trip and live in more luxury than I originally planned to do. Then again, there is a very real possibility of me putting away 10k into a savings account for the next 40 years or more and letting it gain interest. That actually sounds ideal but things happen so we will see. The downside ends up being that I'll have to spend the entire time living with my parents. No, I don't want to live with my parents for the next 3 to 5 years but that is the best way to save money. I understand that my vehicle will cost a large amount over the years for the upkeep but even with that expense, I think that saving upwards of 15 to 18 thousand a year is not impossible. The problems will come when I actually try doing it. I'm still a slightly material person and love the things in my room. Namely, my PS3, television and books. Those things I may want more of, my television may need fixed sometime in the future and I may want an updated game system or 2. I'm going to have a difficult time saving with all of these things in mind for the future but if I keep on track and save as absolutely much as possible, I can do this.

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