Tuesday, December 3, 2013

This Guy is Doing it!!

Okay so I'm not sure if anyone that actually looks on this page knows me on Facebook. I have a friend that I have known for a few years now. We met mutually working at a movie theater in Council Bluffs. A movie theater you say?! Yes, a movie theater! It's an excellent job if you like working with people or if you just love movies! Enough about that.

Ahem... Anyway, this guy's story started a long time ago and recently it's taken on a new vine that seems to be growing into a new tree of adventure. It could very well be one of the biggest decisions of his life. He has decided to go on a trip around the world! It's not just to a single country/continent people! It's multiple! The amazing thing about it is that he plans on it taking possibly 4 years or so. Who knows? Maybe it will be more, maybe less. Plans change and people change their minds or find new adventures to go on. One thing I do know, though is that he has the will to do anything and everything he sets his mind to. I believe in this kid and right now he's the person I'm watching who's driving me on more and more to go on this trip that I want to do. I've wanted to go backpacking in different countries for a while. It's been one of my other things on my bucket list. I want to explore this country before I tackle the rest first though. This guy, is tackling the world right now no waiting at all. It's pretty amazing! Follow his blog, he needs some more readers!


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