Saturday, August 3, 2013

Excellent Day Yesterday Too!

So, yesterday I got a call from my new job and they want me to start Monday at 7:30. :) Really excited to start my new job and I hope it's everything I want it to be. Last night I went to my friends house and we hung out, watched Hemlock Grove and afterwards played a few video games. Had a few beers and when we were feeling a little more relaxed we played some more video games. It was an awesome time lol. :) Then this morning we played some more games too and then went to get some breakfast at Mcdonalds. It's been a while since I went to Mcdonalds lol apparently their Monopoly game is back on again haha.

I've had a lot to think about lately religion-wise. I have come to the conclusion that I have no idea what to believe in. I don't know if I should believe in a God and a Devil or a Goddess of the Earth. I don't know if there are Gods that rule over the seasons and other Earthly things. I think that right now I should just take a step back and try to find my own spiritual beliefs even if those beliefs end up being that I have none. I'm sorry my mind is all over the place today and I can't seem to get my brain to put things in a logical order. What I'm trying to say is I don't want to be considered a "Christian" right now as I have been my entire life and don't want to have anyone trying to enforce the "God and Jesus" belief on me right now. Who knows? Maybe in a day or 2 I'll come back to the conclusion that I believe they're the real deal. Right now, though, I don't want to think like a "Christian" oh no I'm going to hell because I don't believe! Blah blah blah. If God is real and loves me as much as they say he does, I'm pretty sure he'll give me some time to see in my own mind if he is or not. He forgives right? XD Heck maybe I'll end up with the conclusion that life has nothing to do with Gods and Demons and just live. Why would I worry about afterwards right now if I don't even know what is there? Can't affect that so why try? Life's a dance and all that. We'll see later on how our choices now affect the "afterlife" or lack thereof. Right now, though, life's about now's choices not those ones that will affect later on. Bleh, sorry I'm probably not making much sense and I'm sorry for that.

On another note, I've been thinking about getting a cheaper bike than the Novara Safari that I was planning on getting from REI. I plan on not having very much with me. I don't plan on taking 50 pounds of junk with me. I am going to try to go as lightweight as possible. Tent, couple things of clothes, sleeping bag, food, first aid kit, spare tires and tubes, repair kits and tools, water and possibly a few other things. I hope to get my things down to about 20 pounds or so altogether and not worry about too much. It's about the adventure right? I want to be out in the wilderness or at least in nature and not have much to worry about. I think that will be the way I go but, as I said before, it's all up in the air until I get the money and decide for sure what I want to do.

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