Thursday, December 5, 2013

New Beginnings?

So, I have been thinking about starting to review items that I buy for my trip/trips. What does everyone think of this idea? If I do it, will it be a good way to get more people to like this page? I am starting to look at items again for the trip, and want to find some excellent lightweight, durable things for it. If anyone at all has any ideas, I'm more than open to suggestions.

 I've seen a few really interesting pieces on my friend Ryan's page and it got me thinking more about backpacking than riding a bike the entire trip around the U.S.A. Honestly, it sounds like an excellent adventure! I mean come on, possibly hitchhiking/walking across the country. Meeting hundreds of people that could become lifelong friends along the whole way. There's that slight hint of danger at the same time of being out there roughing it that excites me too of course. I'd be lying if I said there was no danger involved. The challenge to myself of doing it though is just as great as if I were to bike around the country. Yes, it may be slightly less/more expensive backpacking compared to biking. I'll have to get some more information on that but I honestly think that backpacking might in general be much cheaper depending on how quickly I travel. I think that might be the next item on my list. Backpacking Vs. Bicycling. Show of hands, who wants something like that? I think it's unanimous! It will happen. It may be a little bit until I'm done writing it but it'll happen.

So, I've got a confession to make... I've had a substance abuse problem lately. I'm not going to say what substance I was abusing but suffice it to say, I'm trying to slow down on it or possibly stop altogether. I don't see myself stopping altogether right now but I have seen the problems it makes for me and I'm not a fan. I hope all of you can help me to continue in the path I've chosen and I wish you all the best! Thank you all for everything so far! *Raises water glass* Here's to you guys and to new beginnings!

Update: I've stopped using the "substance" and there's nothing stopping me from achieving my dream of traveling across the world! It was difficult to make myself stop and it's still difficult to say no. Now I'm on the right track though and the world is ahead! If you've got a substance abuse problem, no matter what it is, too much food, alcohol, or any other substance, make a life goal for yourself. Tell yourself that you want to do something that you've never done before. Something you've always wanted to do but never could. It's the best motivator in the world and there's nothing stopping you from saying no except yourself! You don't need it as much as you might think and once you slow down, you can stop altogether like I did and feel better about yourself! This, in turn will encourage you to make more changes in your life and I hope you make them! Good luck everyone! I know you can do it!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

This Guy is Doing it!!

Okay so I'm not sure if anyone that actually looks on this page knows me on Facebook. I have a friend that I have known for a few years now. We met mutually working at a movie theater in Council Bluffs. A movie theater you say?! Yes, a movie theater! It's an excellent job if you like working with people or if you just love movies! Enough about that.

Ahem... Anyway, this guy's story started a long time ago and recently it's taken on a new vine that seems to be growing into a new tree of adventure. It could very well be one of the biggest decisions of his life. He has decided to go on a trip around the world! It's not just to a single country/continent people! It's multiple! The amazing thing about it is that he plans on it taking possibly 4 years or so. Who knows? Maybe it will be more, maybe less. Plans change and people change their minds or find new adventures to go on. One thing I do know, though is that he has the will to do anything and everything he sets his mind to. I believe in this kid and right now he's the person I'm watching who's driving me on more and more to go on this trip that I want to do. I've wanted to go backpacking in different countries for a while. It's been one of my other things on my bucket list. I want to explore this country before I tackle the rest first though. This guy, is tackling the world right now no waiting at all. It's pretty amazing! Follow his blog, he needs some more readers!